It’s That Time Of The Year Again To… WORKOUT!

Jaymee C
2 min readJan 3, 2021


Dehydrated, starving, smudged mascara, headache, hungover and 59.7 Kg! I woke up like this, quoting Beyonce, on the first day of 2021. Wow — what a great way to start the year right? It looks like nothing changed at 30.

I stayed in bed for the next 2 days, eating and sleeping. I think I totally abused my body when I was younger from all of the parties and alcohol. Now, the struggle is real whenever I drink. I used to brush off half a bottle of Black Label. I definitely can’t do that now! Well, okay, I admit it — I am a heavy drinker!

I spent the last paragraph explaining my hungover. (facepalm) This is not about my alcohol intake or hungover. This is about my WEIGHT — 59.7 Kg. How did I go from 54kg to this number?

So 3 months ago, I started going back to the gym when it reopened after the lockdown. I got myself a coach and started doing circuit training. This is the first time I did this and lifted weights. I used to just do about an hour of HIIT training with diet.

I love circuit training but it made me eat more. I found myself always feeling hungry. I think it is because of the 2–3 hours of workout. In a span of 2 months, I gained 3kg, 57kg total. After this, I got really sick for 3 weeks (Suspected Covid-19). I wasn’t able to go to the gym for obvious reasons but maintained my eating habits and that is why here I am at 59.7 Kg.

Before I become overweight, I need to act fast! So for the next days, weeks and months, I’ll be blogging about my food, water intake, training and schedule every single day.

Current Stats
Weight: 59.7kg
Height: 5'3"

P.S. Not sure if someone would read this but feel free to follow me.



Jaymee C

This page will talk about my 2021 Fitness Journey. I’ll write down all of the food I’ll be eating, workouts, and daily schedule for the next 16 weeks.